
What Sets Exceptional Managers Apart?


Outstanding managers have the ability to enhance employee morale, serve as a valuable resource, and exemplify positive behavior for the entire company. Exceptional leaders cultivate exceptional team members, and those who feel well-managed tend to be more invested, efficient, and content. Regrettably, the converse is also accurate, as employees who lack encouragement from their superiors often exhibit lower productivity levels and lower levels of contentment. This article will explore the distinctive practices of exceptional managers that elevate employee morale and drive productivity improvements.


Smart Hiring: Exceptional managers excel in decision-making, particularly in the realm of employee recruitment. Effective management relies on a team of top-notch employees to bolster their responsibilities and ensure the success of their department. Managers who make astute hires can have confidence in their team members and are less inclined to resort to micromanagement.

Know your people: Being in a position of authority may entail refraining from certain discussions with employees, but it doesn’t negate the importance of getting to know them. Exceptional managers recognize that understanding and leveraging their employees’ strengths contributes to the overall success of the department.

Managers ought to engage with their employees individually to discern the most effective management approach for each one. While this may initially seem like a time-intensive endeavor, it ultimately streamlines the process, sparing managers the need to constantly monitor their employees’ progress in the long run.

Lead by Example: Outstanding managers exemplify leadership in numerous ways. They not only adhere to punctuality but also refrain from belittling or intimidating anyone in the company, be it employees or fellow executives. They conscientiously adhere to the policies outlined in the handbook and establish a constructive atmosphere that resonates throughout the entire office.

Keep communicating with the team: Managers might find it convenient to close their doors and isolate themselves from employees. However, how do you respond when an employee requires assistance? By maintaining open lines of communication, exceptional managers enhance their accessibility, fostering an environment where employees feel comfortable approaching them with questions, ultimately enhancing efficiency.

Furthermore, great managers sustain regular communication with their team members, allowing them to address minor issues before they escalate into more significant concerns. For instance, if an employee is experiencing bullying, an adept manager will intervene promptly to halt the behavior, ensuring that the employee feels secure in their workplace.

Give Credit: Exceptional managers make a point to acknowledge and credit employees when they excel, ensuring they feel appreciated. When an employee consistently goes the extra mile, puts in extra hours, or assumes a leadership role, it’s crucial that their efforts are recognized. This acknowledgment serves as an incentive for them to continue their exceptional performance.

Moreover, adept managers refrain from taking credit for their employees’ work. If an employee excels on a project, the manager should communicate to the entire company that it was the employee who delivered outstanding work. This not only affirms the employee’s contributions but also fosters a culture of transparency and recognition.

Be Accountable: Mistakes are a natural part of work, but it’s crucial for managers to take ownership of their errors and uphold accountability. For instance, if a manager is tasked with sending an invoice to a client and forgets to do so, they should refrain from shifting the blame elsewhere. It may be that the manager was occupied assisting their team, or perhaps the employee responsible for scheduling the invoice overlooked it. Regardless of the circumstances, ensuring the invoice was sent falls under the manager’s purview, and they should acknowledge their mistake accordingly.

Help Employees to Succeed: Ineffective managers are often reluctant to witness their employees thrive; they prefer to keep them in the same role for an extended period, maintaining control over them. Conversely, exceptional managers take pleasure in witnessing their employees excel and advance within the company. They provide their team members with ample opportunities to demonstrate their capabilities, with the aim of facilitating future promotions.

Good Managers Benefit Business: Good managers play a vital role in upholding your company’s culture and ethical standards, ensuring that employees are content and well-supported. With great managers, employees feel empowered in their roles and can even astonish you with their level of dedication to the business.

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